“Hablemos del Cosmos”: La nueva serie que estrenará Nat Geo

 “Hablemos del Cosmos”: La nueva serie que estrenará Nat Geo

El miércoles 22 de Abril a las 22.00 hs. Nat Geo estrena “Hablemos del Cosmos”, la primera serie nocturna del canal, conducida por el reconocido astrofísico Neil deGrasse Tyson. Compuesta por diez episodios de una hora y basada en el popular podcast homónimo, la nueva serie establece un puente entre la cultura popular y la ciencia, y convoca celebridades como George Takei (“Star Trek”), comediantes y científicos para debatir sobre los últimos avances relacionados con el universo.

“Hablemos del Cosmos” es una producción de National Geographic Studios y tiene como escenario el Planetario Hayden del Museo Americano de Historia Natural, del cual Tyson es director. Todas las semanas, él y sus invitados exploran una variedad de temas cósmicos, que incluyen viajes espaciales, vida extraterrestre, el Big Bang, el futuro de la Tierra y del medio ambiente y las últimas noticias sobre el universo.

“Cosmos” permitió compartir el impresionante poder del universo con el público mundial de maneras que nunca hubiéramos creído posible”, manifestó Tyson. “Poder continuar difundiendo las maravillas y el entusiasmo en “Hablemos del Cosmos”, que para mí es un proyecto apasionante, es más que extraordinario. National Geographic Channel es el vehículo perfecto para seguir explorando el universo”, agregó. Nat Geo estrena “Hablemos del Cosmos” el miércoles 22 de Abril, todos los miércoles, a las 22.00 hs.


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1 Comment

  • Hello Mr. DeGreasse or another Scientific, my name is Pablo Guzman, I am a Physician, Neurologist, but I am also a great passionate for subjects related to the Universe.
    I would like to discuss with you some things that I have in mind.
    The first thing is that turning the problem of the size of the Universe and the possibilities of being infinite seems to me that it is not so, the Universe appeared in the Nothing (place in which there is no space and time), with the Big Bang , that is an explosion, that explains why the Universe expands, the issue is that its expansion is infinite because there is nothing to stop it, what if we can say is that if it has a limit, it ends where it begins Nothing, and I think that maybe later (let’s talk about thousands of years), maybe we will be able to reach that limit. This also answers the question of how the Universe is, and the simpler is always more likely to be correct, the universe is spherical, because an explosion expands in spherical form.
    This also gives us a new focus of research, which as we can see the directional vectors of the different stars of the universe, we could by union of vectors get to know where in the universe was the Big Bang.
    In addition to these theories I have others if you are interested, such as traveling through the galaxies (this is a more medical issue that I handle well).

    Hoping that these ideas will not be lost in the nothing
    My mail, paguzo@gmail.com
    Sorry is Mr. deGrasse or another Scientific

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